School council: Pupils’ are nominated across each year group from Reception to Year 6. One boy one girl and are changed each term. A topic is chosen and discussed with pupils by the Headteacher.

Term 1: our chosen topic is CHARITY

Term 2: our chosen topic will be School Improvement

Term 3: Our chosen topic will be our role in the community


VIP Lunch and child achievement Assemblies alternates Every week

Promoting SMSC in our school

Our pupils visit places of worship as well as building an understanding of minor and major religions in the UK.

Upcoming Events

Open Day: 20th July 2023
Eid party: July 7th, Road safety workshop, Animal welfare work shop, healthy eating week, country and capitals competition.

Current Events:

Charity Fund Raising: To Be Confirmed.

Parent Fun Day: To Be Confirmed.

Parents Coffee Morning: Every two weeks

Last updated:

Subject Percentage of pupils achieving

The expected standardschool Average scaled score:

English grammar, punctuation and spelling 81% 104 expected national average 61.4%

English reading 62% 101 expected national average 42%

Mathematics 67% 101 expected national average 54.5%

School-Home Communication
We aim to establish good relations with parents and provide a focus for teacher to parent support, parent to teacher support and parent to parent support.

Parents Evenings
Once a term each class teacher hosts an evening meeting for all the parents in the class to enable a deeper understanding of the curriculum and how the class is running. These are set out in the school calendar but are subject to change. The teacher will address teaching and learning questions, discuss issues concerning the development and progress of the class and give a briefing on any forthcoming outings or events. . We expect parents to attend the parents’ evenings if at all possible.

Access to Teachers
Good working relationships between teachers and parents are vital for the well being and progress of pupils at the school. However, the school does not expect its staff to be available for consultations at home or in their private time. Each teacher should have some availability for meetings after school with parents. Appointments should be made through the office or via the class teacher directly via email.

School Visits
Good communication between home and school is essential to the happy development of a child. To this end the class teachers place great value in seeing children and parents if this is required. Teachers can arrange a meeting with parents from time to time and welcome invitations from parents for such visits.

School Reports
Reports are issued twice a year. They provide a deeper insight into the development of the child. In the older classes the reports may give positive suggestions to the child for things to work towards in the coming year.

Communication Policy
The school’s communication policy can be found on the Policies page